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About the Recipe
Angle wings together with carnival roses and pączki (donuts) are mostly eaten in the period just before LENT.
Faworki traditionally are a type of crisp pastry made out of dough, prepared from flour, sour cream, eggs, salt and grain alcohol. It is shaped into thin twisted ribbons (that look like angel wings) and later deep-fried. To add some sweetness to them they are sprinkled with confectioners sugar.

1 3/4 cup of flour
1/2 tsp of salt
4 Egg yolks
1/2 tsp of sugar
5 tbsp of Ssour cream
1 tbsp of champagne vinegar 6%
confectionary sugar
lemon zest from 1 lemon
oil to fry (canola or vegtable oil)

Step 1
In a bowl mix together flour, salt and sugar. Add butter, sour cream, egg yolks, lemon zest & vinegar. Mix it with a mixing spoon until it forms a ball that you can start kneading.
Step 2
When it forms a semi ball, move it to a pastry board, or a flat surface, and knead it for about 10 min.
Step 3
Take a pastry roller and start beating the dough with it, for about 10-15 min. This will make the dough airy and Faworki will have lots of bubbles.
Step 4
Split the dough in half - put one half in a plastic bag. Roll out a half of the dough to the thickness of about 0.4 inch (0,5- 1 cm), cut it into rectangles size 3.5x 1.5 inch (9 cm x 4cm). In the middle of each rectangle make an incision. Take one side of the flat rectangle and turn in through the incision.
Step 5
In a dutch oven, or a pot with a thick bottom, heat up some frying oil 330- 350 F. Place a few pieces of dough in the oil and fry it until it is golden.
Take it out of the oil, and place it on the plate with some paper towel to let the Faworek rest and soak out the extra oil.
Step 6
Move them to a plate and sprinkle on top a bit of confectioners sugar.
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